Riverview Elementary School Home

Welcome Back to School! 2024-2025

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News & Announcements

Riverview: Early Dismissal at 1:30 on Friday, March 21st and Spring Break-Monday, March 24th - Friday, March 28th
To kick off Spring Break, we will have Early Dismissal at 1:30 on Friday, March 21st. Spring Break is Monday, March 24th - Friday, March 28th. Have a safe and enjoyable break! See everyone back on Monday, March 31st.

Riverview's Third Quarter Awards, Thursday, April 3rd: 3rd Grade at 8:15; 4th Grade at 9:00; 2nd Grade Class at 9:45
Congratulations to all our students for working hard for the third quarter. We welcome you to help us celebrate our students' citizenship, creativity, and academics on Thursday, April 3rd. 3rd Grade will be at 8:15; 4th Grade at 9:00; and 2nd Grade at 9:45.

Riverview: Beloit Sky Carp Reading Program March 4 - April 4
The Beloit Sky Carp are back with another reading program! See the attached letter and reading log for more information. The letter and reading log may also be found under Parent Information-Riverview's Newsletter. Poopsie also made a surprise visit at school today to kick off the program.
Our scheduled game to attend is Saturday, May 10 at 1:05 PM. We will even have a chance to parade around on the field before the game! You won't want to miss out on this opportunity!
Our scheduled game to attend is Saturday, May 10 at 1:05 PM. We will even have a chance to parade around on the field before the game! You won't want to miss out on this opportunity!

Riverview: Spring Picture Day, Wednesday, April 9th
Smile! If you would like Spring Pictures of your child, Riverview will be having Spring Picture Day on Wednesday, April 9th. To order online use Inter-state.com/order and order code 93763KA.